“Keep Both Hands on the Plow”
“We’ll see.” “I may get around to it.” “Maybe later.” “Depends how I feel.” “First let me check what’s on TV.” How excited & encouraged do responses like those make you feel? Are you inspired? Do you think the likelihood of whatever they’re pondering actually happening is good?
The final message in this series about decisions that powerfully impact your walk with the Lord will hopefully help each one of us actually be more impactful in our walk with the Lord :-) …
Keeping both hands on the plow is an image that speaks clearly about our need to to be & stay all in when it comes to our relationship with & impact for God.
Keeping both hands on the plow …
1. will be difficult, tiring & painful.
Plowing in scripture was all by hand. John Deere & Kubota didn’t exist yet.
Luke 9:57-62 / Judges 8:1-5
2. is the only way to serve God appropriately.
While plowing with one hand may produce some less than impressive results,
keeping both hands on the plow produces far more productive & effective results.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Making It Real
1] Have you experienced the fatigue, difficulty & pain that come from being all in?
2] What do you need to take hold or let go of to plow in a kingdom worthy way?
Action Step
Write a prayerful response concerning your answer to the second question.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page January 30, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com